School Uniform
The wearing of the correct St Mary’s school uniform demonstrates a pride in personal appearance, and in our school. We ask for your support and co-operation in ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform at all times.
All uniform items are available from Lowes, Carlingford or can be ordered on-line from Lowes.
Summer Uniform | Winter Uniform | |
Girls’ Uniform |
Uniform dress Navy school jumper or jacket Black leather school shoes White fold down ankle socks Navy blue, lemon or school plaid scrunchies, hair ribbons, clips and headbands |
Uniform tunic Lemon peter pan collared long sleeved blouse Navy school jumper or jacket Navy blue tights or white fold down ankle socks Black leather school shoes Navy blue, lemon or school plaid scrunchies, hair ribbons, clips and headbands |
Boys’ Uniform |
Short-sleeved, open necked blue shirt Navy blue school shorts Navy school jumper or jacket Navy fold down school socks Black leather school shoes |
Long navy trousers Long-sleeved blue shirt School tie Navy school jumper or jacket Navy fold down school socks Black leather school shoes |
Unisex Sports Uniform* |
School short-sleeved navy polo top School navy blue sport shorts White fold down sport socks (no anklets or sockettes) Predominantly white sports shoes with white laces |
In winter, the sports uniform may include navy tracksuit pants, a long sleeved navy skivvy (to be worn under the school short sleeved navy polo top) and a navy school jumper or jacket. Students in Year 6 are able to purchase a special Year 6 t-shirt with the students' names printed on the back. |
School Hats
At St Mary’s, there is a strict “NO HAT NO PLAY” rule. Please ensure that your child always wears their hat to school, with their name clearly marked on the inside. The hat is a unisex navy blue slouch style with a cord and toggle. The school logo is screen-printed on the front. No other hats are to be worn.
School Bags
School bags with the school’s logo in the St Mary’s colours are available at Lowes.
Pre-Loved Clothing Pool
The Pre-Loved Clothing Pool is open every Friday during the term from 8:30 – 9:30am. We sell a large range of good quality second-hand uniforms.
Some families find it difficult to get to the Pre-Loved Clothing Pool during opening hours. If this applies to you, you may place your order in writing, leaving a contact phone number at the office. Your order will then be processed.
Lost Property
To ensure any lost property is returned quickly, uniform items should be clearly labeled with the child's name. This includes tracksuit tops and bottoms. The chances of lost items finding their owners is significantly increased if a name is attached.
Hair Policy
For boys, 0 or number 1 hair cuts, rat’s tails, mullets, steps, undercuts, lines etc, hair gel and hair colouring are not acceptable. Hair length for boys must be above their collars. Boys should have a "normal school boy's haircut". Girls are to wear their hair tied back in a pony tail or plait and no hair colourings or streaks are permitted.
Makeup and Nail Polish
Make up and nail polish are not to be worn.
Children are allowed to wear a watch. No jewellery, only one pair of gold or silver sleepers or studs for girls. One signet ring for girls permitted. No other jewellery permitted.